Alcohol Detox Los Angeles, California

When alcoholism takes root in someone’s life, it impacts every aspect of it. The person experiences a decline in their physical and mental health. The first step in becoming sober is going to detox. It’s important to choose a program that uses up-to-date and highly effective treatment methods. Renewal Health Group provides an alcohol detox in Los Angeles, California that changes lives. Our staff guides people through the beginning stages of sobriety and sets them up for an alcohol-free life.

What is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detox, also known as detoxification is the first step when overcoming an alcohol use disorder. The body stores actual toxins during the course of alcohol addiction, and detox involves ridding the body of them. Our alcohol detox in Los Angeles program provides supervised medical care that helps minimize withdrawal symptoms. Without a skilled detox facility, most people find themselves unable to complete the detoxification process. As well, they put themselves at risk by not having medical and psychological supervision to ensure their safety. 

What to Expect at Our Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles

Our alcohol detox program provides any needed medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms. The appropriate FDA-approved drugs can help ease physical and emotional symptoms. They can also reduce cravings for alcohol, making it easier for a person to learn to live without drinking. 

Treatment is administered by highly skilled addiction experts who specialize in treating alcoholism and other substance use disorders. Detox usually takes five to seven days. It provides the initial days of living free of the fog of alcohol addiction. This step proves necessary for people to continue enjoying a sober life after detox ends.

What Comes After Alcohol Detox?

The next step after detox depends on the person’s specific situation and needs. Many people transition into a residential rehab program that requires them to live in a facility for 30 days or more. Others begin outpatient treatment which takes place during the day, allowing the person to live at home or in a sober living home. 

Both types of treatment build on the lessons begun during detox. The individual attends multiple types of therapy specific to alcohol addiction recovery. They learn how to rebuild their lives while avoiding the temptation to relapse. Clinicians in the detox facility will assess each person and recommend the next level of care appropriate for them. 

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Dangers of Detoxing from Alcohol at Home

A huge reason alcohol detox in Los Angeles proves important involves the safety factor. In fact, withdrawal symptoms that can occur when detoxing from alcohol can be the most dangerous. Some people, particularly those with a long history of alcohol abuse, have seizures when they stop drinking. 

Some people develop delirium tremens, a potentially fatal alcohol withdrawal symptom. Between three to five percent of people who stop abusing alcohol develop this condition. It can be fatal, which makes it vital that a person is in a supervised medical detox facility. Other potentially dangerous medical conditions include hallucinations, elevated blood pressure and heart rate. In order to give a person the safest environment to detox from alcohol in, they should use a professional facility.

Man experiencing dangers of detoxing from alcohol at home
Woman at our Los Angeles alcohol detox center

Benefits of Our Los Angeles Alcohol Detox Center

The first benefit of our alcohol detox in Los Angeles is the safety factor. We provide round-the-clock monitoring of each person to make sure they move through the detox process without risky withdrawal symptoms being ignored. We provide options for FDA-approved medications designed to help people who have quit drinking. They help with withdrawal symptoms, cravings for alcohol, and more. 

We treat everyone who comes to us for help like the individual they are. Some facilities believe in a one-size-fits-all treatment philosophy that robs people of the individual care they need. We assess each person upon arrival to understand who they are and what they need. We discuss their history of alcohol addiction and determine their current physical and mental health. This allows us to design a treatment plan that tends to their specific needs and goals. 

About fifty percent of people with a substance use disorder also have a mental health disorder. This condition is called dual diagnosis. Our detox center treats people dealing with this occurrence. When mental illness symptoms are addressed, it helps ease the desire to consume alcohol to alleviate them. In addition, someone who becomes sober often experiences fewer mental illness symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Begin Alcohol Detox in Los Angeles, California

Do you know it’s time to stop abusing alcohol but don’t know where to begin getting help? Renewal Health Group offers the best alcohol detox in Los Angeles. We combine addiction-specific therapies with experienced staff members who help people take charge of their lives. We guide you through the challenging phase of withdrawal symptoms with care that minimizes discomfort. This affords you the ability to finish detox and begin an alcohol-free life.

Would you like to know how to begin a new life without alcohol? Contact us now and begin the process of enjoying the good health that you deserve.