When someone attends a treatment program for drug and alcohol addiction, they often assume that once they leave, they are on their own. Renewal Health Group recognizes that having quality aftercare in place can make the difference between staying sober and relapsing. For this reason, we make sure each person we treat has options in place for how to continue avoiding relapse long after they leave our care. Our rehab aftercare gives our alumni the extra support they need long after they leave our care.
What is Rehab Aftercare?
Once a person completes rehab, they may feel like their treatment for addiction is complete. Actually, having an aftercare program increases their chances of enjoying lifelong sobriety. The term rehab aftercare refers to several types of follow-up care that come after the individual completes a formal treatment program. Many facilities offer aftercare programs to their alumni.
Maintaining sobriety happens on a day-by-day basis. For this reason, it’s important that people in recovery take advantage of aftercare choices. This way, they develop the ability to take life on a day-by-day basis. Each day can present a challenging situation that can potentially threaten a person’s sobriety. When this happens, attending aftercare programs can provide the person with support and ideas for how to avoid relapsing.

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Who is Rehab Aftercare For?
Anyone who has completed treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol can benefit from rehab aftercare.
Rehab aftercare programs can also help people with a dual diagnosis. This is the presence of a mental health disorder alongside a substance use disorder. Learning to cope with daily life after formal treatment for mental illness ends can help a great deal. This includes people dealing with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, and more.
Benefits of Rehab Aftercare
The main benefit of attending rehab aftercare programs is that it helps people avoid relapsing. The lessons taught during treatment can be challenged after a person completes a program. For example, they might have a problem come up at work, get into a fight with a loved one, or just have a bad day. If an old urge to drink or use drugs crops up, having the support that aftercare offers can keep the person on the right path. They can have a person, professional, or group to turn to when the going gets tough. In turn, they receive the care and understanding that helps them stay sober.
Aftercare programs make people feel less alone. Attending support groups or group therapy puts them in the middle of people who understand exactly what recovery feels like. It provides a valuable support system that keeps the person from isolating. In addition, many bonds formed with others in aftercare programs can turn into finding a sponsor or beginning lifelong friendships.
Another benefit of rehab aftercare involves relationships with loved ones. Addiction usually causes varying levels of damage to relationships. Someone who continues to nurture their sobriety through aftercare programs often finds it helps bolster personal relationships. This includes those with romantic partners, children, other family members, and friends.
Aftercare can also help a person with setting up their post-addiction lives. This includes finding a place to live, getting a job, or going to school. Practical choices like these lend themselves to creating a new life of healthy choices that keeps a person sober.
How to Come Up With a Rehab Aftercare Plan
Many choices can be made for how to create a rehab aftercare plan. The first involves where a person lives during outpatient treatment or after all treatment has concluded. For those who don’t have a supportive and substance-free home situation, sober living houses can be the right option.
Finding support groups, such as 12-step-based ones, can provide much-needed regular support. Group therapy for addiction can also be a helpful choice. For many, continuing private therapy sessions helps them make healthy decisions in their sober lives.
Another way to make sure a person stays in recovery is to consult employment agencies and other job-related resources. Finding and keeping a job is important for anyone now embracing sobriety.
Begin Rehab Aftercare in Los Angeles, California
What happens when someone receives treatment for a substance use disorder makes a huge difference. Still, having rehab aftercare options creates even more opportunities for the person to enjoy long-term sobriety. Renewal Health Group wants each person who graduates from our programs to know their options for continued care. We let our graduates know about any programs we offer and make recommendations for other aftercare choices.
For more information about our programs, including valuable aftercare options, visit our admissions page now. We provide a wide spectrum of services that covers you from day one until after you leave our care.