Addiction Treatment Blog

Woman experiencing the dangers of mixing alcohol and Zoloft

Mixing Zoloft and Alcohol

When taken as directed, Zoloft can be an extremely beneficial medication. When used in moderation, alcohol can cause minimal disruption to a person’s health and

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What is crack addiction like?

Addressing Crack Addiction

Discussions of crack addiction often involve references to the drug epidemic of the 1980s. Unfortunately, the devastation of crack abuse isn’t just a story for

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Woman learning if muscle relaxers are addictive

Are Muscle Relaxers Addictive?

Prescription muscle relaxers can provide great relief for people who have certain medical needs. Unfortunately, many muscle relaxers are addictive drugs with high potential for

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Zoloft addiction and abuse

Zoloft Abuse & Addiction

Zoloft has helped countless people experience relief from depression and other mental health concerns. But people who misuse it can expose themselves to myriad negative

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