How to Help Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

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When someone that you care about develops an addiction to alcohol or other drugs, it can be excruciating to watch them suffer. Your pain may be magnified if your loved one refuses to seek treatment. You know they need help, but do you know how to convince someone to go to rehab?

Know That You’re Not Alone 

Addiction can be isolating, both for the person who has developed the disorder and for those who care about them. Addiction awareness and understanding have increased considerably in recent years, but many people are still hesitant to talk about their own struggles with drug abuse or the problems that a loved one has been having. 

Before you read any further, please know this: Neither you nor your loved one are alone. 

Drug abuse and addiction are widespread problems throughout the world. The following information about substance abuse in the United States is from the 2020 edition of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which is conducted each year by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

  • 61.6 million Americans engaged in binge drinking in the past year.
  • 28.3 million Americans met the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder.
  • 59.3 million people ages 12 and older used an illicit drug at least once in the past year.
  • 18.4 million people ages 12 and over were addicted to an illegal substance.
  • 6.5 million people in the U.S. were addicted to both alcohol and another substance.

How to Convince Someone to go to Rehab 

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to convince someone to go to rehab, here are a few points to consider: 

  • Educate yourself first: Do some research about addiction, treatment, and recovery. The more you understand what your loved one has been dealing with, the better prepared you will be to provide meaningful advice. Also, as you learn about treatment and recovery, you’ll be in a good position to discuss the many options that are available to your loved one.
  • Get some help: If it is at all possible, don’t try to do this all on your own. You don’t want to overwhelm your loved one. However, having a few trusted friends or family members to help you can be extremely valuable. It can also demonstrate two things to your loved one: You’re not the only one who thinks they need help, and you’re not the only one who really cares about them.
  • Talk to your loved one: Notice that we didn’t say argue with your loved one, plead with your loved one, or demand that your loved one enter a program. Just talk to them. Let them know you care. Express your worries about their health. When the time is right, share the information that you have gathered about treatment options. This will not be one conversation. Plan to address this topic several times.
  • Listen to your loved one: Research can give you some insights into what your loved one is experiencing. But they are the only person who knows exactly what they are going through. Even if they refuse to consider treatment, the reasons for their refusal can help you determine your next steps. Again, this problem will not be resolved in one conversation. Your willingness to let them share their thoughts will increase the likelihood that they will continue talking to you about this important topic.
  • Consider an intervention: This shouldn’t be your first choice, but it may become necessary. Do not try to base the intervention on what you’ve seen in films or on TV. It is important to conduct extensive planning before you host an intervention. You may also want to consider involving a professional in this process.

Can You Force Someone to go to Rehab in California?

If you’ve been thinking about how to convince someone to go to rehab, you may have wondered if there is any way to legally force a person into treatment. 

If you (and the person you are concerned about) live in California, you may be able to accomplish this. However, it can be extremely difficult, and you need to consider several factors before you attempt to do this.

According to the Prescription Drug Abuse Policy System, which is maintained by Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, a person can be involuntarily committed to a substance abuse treatment facility for 14 days in the state of California. 

For a person to be forced to go to rehab via involuntary commitment, they must be assessed by a qualified professional. This professional must confirm the following:

  • The individual has a substance use disorder.
  • The individual is a threat to themselves or others
  • The individual is unwilling to voluntarily enter treatment. 

You must also find a treatment center that will agree to accept your loved one. Also, your loved one can have counsel present at their commitment hearing.

There are times when involuntary commitment may be necessary. Ideally, though, you may be able to convince your loved one to enter treatment yourself. It’s also beneficial to have the help of some close friends, or via an intervention. As we have noted, resorting to legal force can be both difficult and time-consuming. In addition, the end result may be that your loved one exits the program after only 14 days. 

Contact Our Drug Rehab Centers in Southern California

To learn more about how to convince someone to go to rehab, or for information about drug rehab options in Southern California, please contact Renewal Health Group at your earliest convenience. A member of our team can answer all your questions, so you can make the most informed decisions about your loved one’s health.