Fun Sober Things to do

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One of the many challenges of early recovery is deciding how to fill the time that you used to devote to substance abuse. Coming up with a list of sober things to do can prevent you from slipping back into your bad old habits. 

Importance of Having a List of Sober Things To Do in Early Recovery

Whether you realized it at the time or not, when you were in the midst of active addiction you likely spent a significant amount of your day thinking about, seeking, using, and recovering from the use of alcohol or other drugs. To protect your newfound sobriety, It’s important to find productive and enjoyable ways to fill your days. 

Here are a few tips to consider when you’re putting together your list of sober things to do:

  • Think about the hobbies, sports, or other activities you used to enjoy, or that you’d like to learn.
  • Try to include a variety of suggestions, including activities that require varying degrees of physical and mental intensity. This way you’ll have ideas of sober things do to on both high- and low-energy days.
  • Group activities or pursuits that require a partner may be especially beneficial, because you’ll have to be accountable to others. You’re less likely to skip a workout if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things. Have you always wanted to paint, draw, or sculpt? Now’s your opportunity to take a class. Have you been thinking about a career change? This could be the perfect time to start learning a new skill.
  • Focus on the process, not the outcome. You don’t have to be “good” at something for the activity to have value. If you like basketball, but you’re not ready to join a league or even find a regular pickup game, you can still benefit from heading to the park and shooting around by yourself (or, even better, with a friend).  
  • Make your list a living document. If you try something and discover that you don’t enjoy it, there’s no shame in crossing it off your list and trying something different. As you expand your horizons, you’re likely to find opportunities that you weren’t previously aware of. Don’t hesitate to add them to your list.
  • Take it slow. It can be tempting to over-commit or throw yourself fully into pursuits. But not everything will turn out to be right for you. If you spend a lot of money up front, or you schedule too many activities, this can lead to regret and resentment. Starting small allows you to try a lot of different things without feeling like you have to do them all.


What’s perhaps most important of all is making sure that your list of sober things to do doesn’t inadvertently threaten your recovery. If your activities become a source of boredom, stress, or frustration, they may do more harm than good. 

Don’t lose sight of your goal: To find sober activities that are enjoyable and that support your recovery efforts.

List of Sober Things To Do (Anywhere)

Here are a few examples of sober things to do that aren’t restricted to specific locations. Your community may not offer all off these opportunities, but there’s a good chance you can find one or more of them without having to travel too far:

  • Join an adult rec league. Many communities host amateur leagues in the evenings and on weekends for people who enjoy baseball, softball, hockey, basketball, flag football, and other sports. 
  • Take a hike. Spending time in nature can be good for the body, mind, and soul. For safety and motivation, take a friend with you or find a hiking group for beginners in your area. 
  • Take a class. This can be either a one-off or the start of your progress toward a certificate or degree. Community colleges and local libraries are great places to get lists of upcoming classes, so you can evaluate your options and find something that interests you.
  • Teach a class. Are you good with computers? Libraries and senior centers are always looking for people to teach basic (or advanced) computer classes. If you have a different skill set, do some research to find opportunities to share your knowledge with others.
  • Play an instrument. No matter your age and skill level, it’s never too late to learn how to play the guitar, piano, drums, or whatever other instrument speaks to you. Remember: It’s not about being great, it’s about building a new skill (and, most importantly, enjoying yourself).  


You should also consider volunteering. Contributing to a cause you believe in can be a tremendous addition to your new sober lifestyle. You will be using your time in a productive way, associating with others, and putting some good into the world. You may even have the chance to learn a new skill or develop a talent that you didn’t know you had.

Sober Things To Do Here in Los Angeles, California

If you live in or near LA, you’re probably already well aware of the area’s many entertainment options. What you may not realize, though, is that you don’t have to use alcohol or other drugs to enjoy them. There are a lot of sober things to do in Los Angeles. Here are a few suggestions:

Contact Renewal Health Group in Los Angeles, California

If you’ve been struggling to maintain your foothold in early recovery – or if you’re just starting your journey toward lifelong sobriety – Renewal Health Group is here to help. 

The Renewal network offers a full continuum of customized addiction services at multiple locations in the Los Angeles area. We can assess your needs, help you set realistic goals, then develop a personalized plan just for you. Every step of the way, you will benefit from the guidance of a team of highly skilled and deeply compassionate professionals.

To learn more about how we can help you or a loved one, or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact page or call us today.